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Monday, April 10, 2006

Why would a young girl take liquid laxative?

Today at work I ran into a dilemma. Mid morning I was on cash when three young teenage girls came to my cash to buy liquid laxative. I know teens don't like to spend money on stuff their mothers would buy for them. This was not something their mothers knew about, I am sure.
Do you think I am jumping to the wrong conclusion that one or all of them are anorexic ?
My gut tells me they are.
Judging by the time the girls skipped school to buy this 'medication'. I don't imagine for one minute that there was a medical need for it. I am not the pharmacist. I don't have a right to recommend or not recommend a medication. What was I going to say to these girls? What would you say to them. That they are skinny little girls going down a very unhealthy road. I don't understand them. When I was young I could not wait to grow hips and breasts. I could not wait to be a more feminine shape. Why are some girls trying to be nothing more that a skeletal frame?

be healthy


Jas B said...

Misconstrued conceptions about "being a stick" = beautiful!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I don't imagine they were doing a favour for their poor constipated mother? That is really disturbing. I really don't know what, if anything, I would have saif to them, because I imagine they would have just sworn at me.

Barbara said...

I still don't know what I could have told them.

Tom said...

Are you saying that these girls want laxatives so their stool becomes softer so they can defecate more often, thus retaining their undigested waste products of food for less time?

Maybe they were going to pull a prank. I put chocolate laxatives in some brownies once for my friends birthday. Everyone had an "out of body experience" at about 6 a.m. the next morning.

Well at least they had to pay a tax for the lax.

Barbara said...

Wow I only thought the girls might be being self destuctive. I didn't imagine they would be cruel to others. Thanks for the possible insight tomward.

Lala said...

It's so easy when you're young and frustrated to believe that all your problems will just go away if ____. Unfortuantely, girls are told everyday that happiness is being skinny, and the route there is righteous.

Barbara said...

wow that is a sad message. Thank you for that insight lala. How can we change that?

Anonymous said...

Right, its called they probably want to play a prank on some 1 by spiking there drinks with laxative...

Anonymous said...

I think you are right actually. As a 18 year old young woman, I have went down that road as well, taking laxatives to loose weight.

Anonymous said...

I really don't want to be rude or mean or anything but quite frankly its none of your buiness about the purchases they make. Althou I do admire that your concerned for another persons well being but in the end they will just ingore you, Tell you to frig off or erm tell you its none of your buiness.

Anonymous said...

I thought you had to be 18 to buy things like that (medication)

Anonymous said...

It's never fair to make assumptions, but you might be right about the potential eating disorders. It's very common for girls to use laxatives or Ipecac to "get the food out." (which obviously isn't logical or smart, and will not help you lose weight.)

But this doesn't mean that every girl who buys laxatives has an eating disorder. And as a cashier, it's not your responsibility to determine whether or not your customers have a problem. I realize that it may be hard to separate yourself from the customer, but it's not your job to monitor everything that people purchase.

If someone came in buying a bag of potato chips, a box of cookies, a box of cheese-its, and a bag of candy, would you warn them of the dangers of eating toxic food? Would you suspect them of having bulimia or binge eating disorder?
Probably not, even though that kind of behavior is just as indicative of an eating disorder.

If you were a pharmacist, and a 17-year-old girl came in purchasing antibiotics to treat Chlamydia... would you tell her that she's "going down the wrong path" by having sex and being a skank? No; you can't analyze everyone else's decisions. Everyone has to learn from experience.

So basically... even though you might be suspicious of people, you have no way of knowing whether or not they're healthy or in a bad situation. You can't figure it out in the 10-second window of time that you have at the checkout, so you might as well not even try. :b

Anonymous said...

: P well i would hate to say this but if it was a liquid then they might be planning revenge. I've heard this alot especially between younger girls.

Anonymous said...

I would have to guess it was for a prank. Why would 3 girls go in on an eating disorder laxative run together? That is typically the kind of thing a person deals with in private and doesn’t tell anyone, not even their closet friends. But in any case HIPAA prevents you, as a sales clerk, from asking...

Anonymous said...

Okay so I have read all the comments and I to say you might all be wrong I recently found out being only 19 myself thaqt if you are pregnant and under 6 weeks drinking liquid laxative will abort the fetus it a horrible thing to do but it what they are doing now