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Monday, September 11, 2006

Blog dating

As a blogger to fellow bloggers, do you think this really works?
From the Toronto star an article about blog dating.
If you have heard about any successful matches started this way let me know and maybe I'll try it.


crazymumma said...

I think with any type of dating you need to be careful, especially if you introduce yourselves virtually. Why not? I have friends who have met thru newspaper personals and Lava Life. Just be careful....

Barbara said...

I have heard some stories about Lava Life, this friend met a man and she thought this is it. They moved in together but she caught him seaching for more girlfriends on Lava Life. But that's life and relationships in a nutshell eh? You take a chance and it could end up happy or sad. That is what personal ads and Lava life are for if that's how you want to meet people. Blogs on the other hand are not designed to be a dating tool are they?
I know this blog has brought about friendships for sure. It works as a friendship tool but dating ...
Maybe.we'll see. I'm not counting on it. I will be careful cazymumma.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Let me get this straight - she wants to use blogging as a means of losing her virginity? What the hell is wrong with her? That's just asking for issues, not the least of which is why is she a virgin at 29?

Barbara said...

Barbara B I would never make the same claim if it was true or not... lol
Yeah she has other issues I guess.

Karen said...

I think this is a great idea and a very interesting and unique way to date. However, I think the woman in the article who is trying to lose her virginity by blog dating has ... um ... some issues perhaps? Personally, I wouldn't be advertising for some guy to pop my cherry. Eeeew, that's just creepy.

Bridget Jones said...

Derek at 123 I Love You is talking about it.....

karen said...

I think that the main problem is people who have online personas that don't necessarily translate to them in reality. When I first started blogging I read a lot of blogs that did just seem to be drawn out personal ads, only posting things that portrayed them in an overly positive light. That's tricky because it's not reality. But if you've got people who are honest about themselves I think it could be a great way to start a relationship. You get to meet people who share your interests, sense of humour, music tastes etc. without being restricted by geography. Hooray for blogs!

Barbara said...

Kees do you think the real me comes across on my blog? How could you know really? My dad says I show too much personal stuff on my blog, that it's like reading my diary. How would he know unless he has read my dairy in comparison?... Hey Dad!

Wandering Coyote said...

Well, as I said on Karen's blog, why not? Stranger things have happened. But in my case, my readership is all over the place, and there don't seem to be that many local males blogging. At least, not from what I can tell. I'm pretty candid on my blog, so I do think it's a good way for people to get to know me, though.

karen said...

Well I guess I don't know for sure. All I can say is that I don't get the impression you are deliberating creating a certain persona which some people clearly are. No different to real life really, some poeple are just very false.

It's not that you share everything about you, and I wouldn't claim to know the 'real' you, but you don't seem to try and make out you're something you're not. The things you do talk about you seem to do so honestly. I'd love to meet you! And I wouldn't be worried you'd be vastly different from the impression I have of you. Unless of course you're just really good and completely different in real life :D

Barbara said...

:-) Kees if I was to create a persona I would create a much better one than I have
But I have to confess the real me does not look like a bird or even hangs around in trees very much.
Wandering C. there are not enough male bloggers hanging around here either. Maybe if I talk about power tools, cars or tanks...or tank tops. Naaa.